The Quick Current Companies are a partnership between The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska (OTON) and Evolve Cellular Inc., majority owned by OTON. Working together since 2022, OTON and Evolve are bringing broadband service to Tribal members on and around tribal lands. Our focus since September 2022 has been to apply for various federal and state infrastructure funding. Once funded, we will bring service to commercial, residential, educational and government entities which have historically had little to no broadband service availability in our targeted areas.
The Quick Current Companies were successful in obtaining licensed spectrum via FCC Auction 108. Our initial concentration is to deploy a deep fiber to licensed fixed-wireless network, meeting the 100/100 Mb requirements as set forth by federal and state government subsidy programs. When fully deployed, service will be available to over 3,800 households on or near the Omaha reservation. The last-mile utilizes a fixed wireless access topology utilizing dedicated “Faros” massive MIMO systems. The service will be controlled by a new 3GPP compliant Core that will be interconnected with Evolve Cellular's existing operations. Once fixed-wireless is deployed, we will turn our attention to deploying traditional 5G mobile services using our fixed-wireless infrastructure as our foundation.
The Quick Current Companies will initially rely on Evolve Cellular for network operations and management in both broadband and wireless technologies. Evolve Cellular has been an "Eligible Telecommunications Carrier" in good standing in Texas for over a decade and its personnel have built and deployed thousands of miles of fiber and designed and deployed thousands of square miles of radio coverage. These efforts will transition to new employees of the Quick Current Companies and will have stand-alone sustainable operations based upon the revenue generated by the Quick Current Companies.
Lowell is a board member and advisor to multiple high technology communications companies. His expertise spans business, communications and technology matters relating to law, products, markets, competitors, regulations, standards, specifications, innovation, and technology. He has extensive business experience with broadband technologies and the wireless ecosystem. This includes founding and operating a large broadband CLEC with over 1600 route miles of fiber in 4 major metro networks. Lowell has initiated or contributed to the foundation and growth of several new services, businesses, industry specifications and standards. He is routinely requested to participate as a speaker or panelist at industry events and is currently a member of the GSMA’s North American CTO executive council.
Mr. Lovejoy is a recently elected member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska's Tribal Council, and has been appointed Secretary of the Council.
Ruben Zendejas is a proud member of the Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. After attending Brigham Young University and Arizona State University College of Law, he gained diverse skills in grant management, governmental compliance, and managerial consultation, along with experience in construction contracts and employment law matters. Driven by a deep commitment to tribal progress, Ruben aspires to contribute meaningfully to community development. His dedication and expertise aim to support sustainable growth within his tribe, fostering positive change for future generations.
Waylon Oldman was born and raised on the Omaha Indian Reservation. He is a motivated and goal-oriented professional with the ability to exceed all goals while consistently striving to create a successful organization. He has the confidence and enthusiasm to not only make Quick Current a successful business venture for the Omaha Tribe but for the membership as well.
New data center.